ng on the aims of the project, he said it was to help Nigeria attain fo


While speaking on the aims of the project, he said it was to help Nigeria attain food sufficiency and security, remarking tha t dry season farming was the only way to guarantee food security and abundanc e in Nigeria.
In the same vein, the World Bank’s Task Team Leader, Mr. David Cassanova, said the intervention was to help Nigeria achieve food security through irrigation programmes.

He disclosed that the visit was part of their routine checks carried out biannually to avail themselves of the level of preparedness for the start of the project. He regretted the inconveniences caused by the delay in drafting project plans for some of the dams.


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visit was part of their routine checks carried out biannually

ng on the aims of the project, he said it was to help Nigeria attain fo

ces caused by the delay in drafting project plans for some of the dams.